Reflection on our Year Three LSAP Plan
“The measure of our courage is the measure of our willingness to embrace disappointment, acknowledge the wounds it causes, and rather than retreat from further participation, keep on insisting on what is good and possible for the world. In other words, hope.” Theologian Elizabeth Johnson shared these words as part of […]
Read More#LikeaCatholicSister: Sister Mila Díaz Solano
Sister Mila Diáz Solano joined the Dominican Sisters of Springfield in her hometown of LaOroya Peru, in 1998 and has since been instrumental in elevating the voices of persons not often heard in the U.S. Church, where she now lives and teaches. In 2000 she was among the pioneers at Parroquia […]
Read MorePioneering Courage: Sister Josephine Meagher, OP
Josephine Meagher: Immigrant. Orphan. Dominican. Founder. Forged in displacement, suffering, and grief. On this first day of Catholic Sisters Week-also International Women’s Day-we honor one of our founding sisters and celebrate her remarkable courage, which became the foundation and inspiration of more than 150 years of Dominican life. Though details are […]
Read MoreClothing swap offers way to help others
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. The adage rings true for the co-workers and the Dominican Sisters at Sacred Heart Convent in Springfield, Illinois. The higher cost of clothes, along with the desire to be good stewards of the Earth, inspired the group to offer a simple idea that benefits […]
Read MoreCor Unum Presents: Courageous Women for Crazy Times
Resources for grounded activists. Fear isn’t an option. “Between climate change, global instability, and the general challenges of everyday life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. At Cor Unum, we believe allowing ourselves to be paralyzed with fear isn’t an option.” These words introduce resources curated by the Dominican Sisters who live […]
Read MoreDo you know how to spot fake news?
Last evening, just as we sisters were getting ready to turn out the lights, I heard Sister Kelly’s muffled voice through my closed door: “Pope Francis is dead.” Jumping up, I joined her in the hallway, and we looked together at the social media post on her phone screen. “I think […]
Read More“An exceptional outpouring of love and faith”
The first-of-its-kind By Sister Kathleen Anne Tait, OP Chris Knight’s most memorable times as a child were when “the sisters” came to visit. When the word got around they were coming, the Kniery family of ten shifted into full-preparation mode, readying their home in Bloomington, Ill., for the arrival of their […]
Read MoreA general chapter retrospective: 25 years of obedient listening
By Sisters M. Clare Fichtner, OP, and Elyse Marie Ramirez, OP Walk with us, please, into Sacred Heart Convent Chapel. You will notice several things all at once. First, you are reminded of how spacious God is. Then, you are aware of being wrapped in the simple beauty of concrete, colored […]
Read MoreRegistration now open for Stay with Me: Lenten Prayer for Disciples
Virtual prayer for the six Wednesdays of Lent Springfield, Ill.-Women and men everywhere are invited to join the Dominican Sisters of Springfield for Stay with Me: Lenten Prayer for Disciples. The virtual sessions, scheduled for 7:00 pm Central Time on the Wednesdays of Lent starting March 5, will allow space for […]
Read MoreLessons for life from St. Dominic
By Dave Sanders “I shall be more useful to you and more fruitful after my death than I was in my life,” promised St. Dominic from his deathbed. Gifted at comforting the suffering, he spoke these final words to give strength and peace to the distraught followers at his bedside; those […]
Read MoreWhat do you do when you are ready for a fresh start?
By Sister Catherine Stewart, OP Throughout our lives, we have multiple experiences of endings and beginnings. We are reminded of this as we daily enjoy sunrises and sunsets. When a new opportunity presents itself, we pause and ask “Am I ready for a new experience?” Most of us, “Just know it’s […]
Read MoreWhy on Earth would anyone want to be a Catholic sister?
If you’ve ever wondered why anyone chooses religious life, then you might want to join the Dominican Sisters of Springfield on February 28 to find out. Perhaps you think that God might be calling you to consecrated life. Or-maybe just the opposite-you have difficulty understanding why on Earth someone would choose […]
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